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Art Commission

The complete Commission Policy and Comission Process is described under my shop's "COMMISSION" page. Placing your order means you agree and accept my commission's terms and conditions.


ADD ONS (optional) payable through my commission page's Venmo or paypal.


*Commercial fee= $50

*digital file=$10

*re-sketch= $120

*more than 6 characters= $100 per head

*Tips (optional)


Please prepare the following and send it via email or instagram:

  1. Description- physical attributes (hair,eye, skin color, height, body size, clothing, accessories, other identifiers), posing ideas, ideal expression, background color/details when chosen.
  2.  Reference photos- (recommended, not required) helps me visualize your ideas better



  1. After the details are given and clarified, I will provide you of a sketch (some details come in the coloring phase)
  2. After your approval, I will proceed with the more permanent process. outlines are inked, pencil marks are erased. Then painted with watercolors.
  3. A photo of the final piece will be revealed to you. Once you approve, the physical item will be sent to the address you provided.


The artwork is illustrated in 8x10" ACID-FREE Coldpressed Watercolor Paper. Inked with archival pens and painted with watercolor and/or gouache

Art Commission

PriceFrom $100.00
  • *Placing your commission order means you agree and accept the terms and conditions listed below.

    -My art commissions are traditionally drawn on 8x10" watercolor paper. The artworks are illustrated with watercolor, gouache, markers, fine-liners, gel rollers, and in some instances, acrylic paint. They are not signed and dated, but you can request them if you wish to.

    -All ideas are entertained except when they involve the depiction of minors in disturbing/adult scenarios, and when the idea potentially offends any culture or religion.
    -NSFW projects are also entertained, but I no longer accept projects that require to show private parts.

    -If you want to confirm my availability, ask if your ideas are doable, if you want to know if you are paying the right amount, or if you have any other inquiries, feel free to communicate with me before placing your order. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
    -Place your order before sending your project's full description and reference photos to or through Instagram: mon.reyes.artworks

    -During our discussion about the project, please specify ALL your ideas and reference photos. Details should include:

     a. hair- color, length, texture
     b. skin- color, marks (tattoo, scars, freckles, moles, stretch marks, etc.)
    *Specify the design, placement, color, and size of those marks
     c. body- type, height (height difference with other characters), facial expression, pose, focus (bust, full body, etc.), point of view (side view, front view, etc.)
     d. clothing- color, style, accessories
     e. background- color, details
     f. paper's orientation- landscape, portrait
     g. NSFW or SFW
     h. Commercial or Personal Use

    -Failure to specify the details at the very beginning of our discussion might lead to a re-sketching fee payment. Please provide all the necessary descriptions before I begin making the sketch. NOTE: You do not have to be very specific if you believe you are easy to satisfy or wish to let my creative interpretation take over. 
    -After the discussion comes the sketch. The sketch will be shown to you. Once you approve of it, I will proceed with the more permanent processes like inking and painting. If I missed a minor detail during the sketch process, or you forgot a minor detail during our discussion, please inform me immediately so I can make the adjustments.
    -If the change requires re-sketching, you need to pay a fee of $120.  The purpose of the re-sketch fee is to make sure I get paid for the time spent to fulfill your request/s. If the request takes 2 days to accomplish, you pay 2 re-sketch fees ($100/day). NOTE: Re-sketch fees do not necessarily apply to all kinds of requests. For example: If you want to remind me that the character you described has a skull tattoo and I designed something else, forgot to include it, or placed the tattoo in the wrong area, the fault is in my account. Therefore, re-sketch fees are not required.
    -However, if the art needs to be entirely redone or the additional changes you want will cause me to illustrate from the start, you’ll have to place another order.
    -If you want to receive an email of a high-res file of your commissioned piece, a $10 fee is collected for every piece of art, payable through VENMO / PAYPAL (Add-ons). Include this option in our discussion so I can prepare and save your file before sending out the physical illustration.

    -When the commissioned piece is intended commercially, I will not include my signature and date of creation. A commercial fee of $50 is payable through VENMO OR PAYPAL (Add-ons).

    -If you want your package insured, you can pay them through the add-ons. In rare cases, commissions get lost in transit. Please understand that I do not want this to happen either. Commissions are ORIGINAL works of art. Therefore, they are impossible to replicate. However, if you want a replacement, you can place another order and I will try my best to redo the art again. If you wish to have it refunded instead, please allow 2 weeks (domestically) or 1 month (internationally) upon my submission of SEARCH MAIL REQUEST to the Post Office. There is no need for a refund when the item has been located and successfully delivered. But if the art is never recovered, I will refund half the price of the missing item. (Commercial, digital, and other fees are not included) Please note that I also spent time and effort to fulfill your order. Therefore a portion of that should be fairly paid.

    -Depending on the amount of work done, cancellation (and request for a refund) is subject to approval.

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